Demetria Alexander picture
Demetria Alexander

GOAL: To implement the Federal and State Program guidelines as well as the Avoyelles Title I School wide Program Guidelines, effectively monitor all Title I budgets and expenditures within the district, and ensure that all children have access to a quality education.

The Office of Federal Programs provides leadership and technical assistance to schools on the requirements and uses of funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).  In particular, the Office provides support to education entities as they plan and budget their Title I resources. The Office is organized by four units: Operational, Competitive, District Planning and District Performance Review. Federal Programs consist of  Title I, Title II, Title IV REAP, Title V. Federal Programs also addresses the needs of homeless, ELL, and migrant students as well as Early Childhood education.


The following programs and maintained through Federal Programs:

  • Title I School-Wide Programs
  • Title II Professional Development
  • Parent and Family Engagement
  • English Learners (EL/ELPT)
  • McKinney-Vento Homeless Program
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • School Improvement Plans